Wednesday, December 10, 2008

So, I finally started a blog.

I've been meaning to start a blog for a while now. I just always get to that page where it asks you to come up with a name for your blog, and I ponder it for a while, come up with a bunch of great ideas that are already taken (e.g., and then inevitably give up.

But I've finally gotten past that step, and here I am. I hear that the best blogs need to have a niche, but this one is going to have two:

1. Travelogues: My job involves traveling to communities, most of which I've never visited before.

2. Dialogues on new media: I feel like I graduated a little early and missed out on some of the cool stuff that's happened in the past two and a half years, but in the past month I've become addicted to Twitter, deleted my MySpace account (talk about freeing), joined GoodReads and signed up for a dozen Google blog alerts. I dig Digg and, but I plan to explore stuff like Technorati, Mixx, and other sites I haven't really checked out yet.

So, that's me in a nutshell. Sure, I've blogged a little for work, but bear with me. This is definitely a learning experience.

Thanks for reading, and enjoy!

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