Monday, April 12, 2010

We Have Sproutage! [Garden]

My garden is official growing! Hard to believe these baby sprouts will one day be a delicious salad.

Radishes and Mesclun Mix


Pak Choi


Exciting! I tried to post this on Friday, but unfortunately I hadn't yet enabled mobile blogging (which I thought my iPhone would just do, but no).

While I'm at it, here are my seedlings soaking. So far, everything is up except for the carrots, which my mom says take a little while.

I am loving spring. My yard is covered with these adorable little purple flowers. No idea what they are, but they are my favorite color, a dark bluish purple indigo hue.

And all of the trees are at that half flower/half leaf stage that is just beautiful. Except it's wreaking havoc on our breathing capabilities. But still, it's pretty. This tree is in our front yard (well, technically our neighbor's). I love it. Happy spring!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you love the "little purple flowers." Kyle is working like crazy to get them OUT of our yard; they smother out the grass! haha!

    Love the gardening updates! Can't wait to enjoy the bounty of your hard work! hehe! :)
